GCNMC Board of Directors

The officers of the Council are the President, Secretary/Treasurer and Immediate Past President.

President: Two years. He/she cannot succeed him/herself; the President ascends to this office after serving as Secretary/Treasurer.
Secretary/Treasurer: Two years. He/she is nominated and elected to this office by the membership of the Council. He/she cannot succeed him/herself.

The terms of the officers shall commence with the conclusion of the annual Business Meeting of the Council and terminate at the conclusion of the annual Business Meeting two years later.

The Council Board of Directors non-officers is composed of six (6) elected Board members, and an SNMMI Board of Directors member appointed by the Society’s President to serve on the Council’s BOD. Individuals representing other Society Councils, Committees, other organizations, or other Societies, may be nominated by their respective organizations to serve as liaisons to the Council, providing the Council Board approves the nomination. All approved liaison representatives will be invited to attend Board and Council meetings, but shall have no vote unless they are Board members. The term of office of a Board member is two years. A Board member is nominated and elected to this office by the membership of the Council. The term of office of a Board member may not aggregate more than six consecutive years and does not include his/her tenure as an appointed member of the Board to fill a vacancy. His/her years as an officer shall not be counted in the aggregate of the years he/she may serve as a Board member.

GCNMC Board of Directors

  • Lionel S. Zuckier, MD, MBA, FRCPC (Council President)
  • Gad S. Abikhzer, MDCM, FRCPC (Council Secretary/Treasurer)
  • Darlene Metter, MD, FACNM, FSNMMI (Council Immediate Past President)
  • Jitesh Dhingra, MD (Council Board of Directors)
  • Saeed Elojeimy, MD, PhD (Council Board of Directors)
  • Erin Grady, MD,CCD,FACNM,FSNMMI (Council Board of Directors)
  • Yi Li, MD (Council Board of Directors)
  • Saima Muzahir, MD, FCPS, FRCPE (Council Board of Directors)
  • Orhan Kemal Oz, MD, PhD (Council Board of Directors)
  • Bianca Radut, DO (Council Board of Directors)
  • Rebecca Charlenne Rene (Council Board of Directors)
  • Ashlee Thomas, CNMT, NMTCB(CT) (Council Board of Directors)
  • Gary Ulaner, MD, PhD, FACNM (Board Liaison)
  • Crystal G. Gantz (Intern)