RPSC Educational Resources

SNMMI Calendar of Events - The SNMMI Calendar of Events is a comprehensive listing of all nuclear medicine and molecular imaging meetings. If you see a meeting missing from the list, please contact Helen Leonard, Program Manager at [email protected].

Regularly Held Meetings:

  • International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry: This is a biannual symposium that focuses on developments in radiopharmaceutical chemistry. The symposia are put on under the auspices of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry and Biology (web site).
  • International Conference on Isotopes: The fifth international conference on isotopes was held in Brussels, Belgium on April 25-29, 2005. This series of conferences is put on by the International Isotope Society.
  • ACS ProSpectives: The American Chemical Society ProSpectives provide chemical professionals, and others who rely on chemistry-based information, with focused conferences that explore chemistry's role in advancing interdisciplinary molecular science. --->
  • Keystone Symposia: The Keystone Symposia are put on by a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting the scientific community for benefit of society. Symposia are conducted on biomedical and life sciences topics. The symposia are held in "relaxing environments that catalyze information exchange and networking".
  • Gordon Research Conferences: The Gordon Research Conferences provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in the biological, chemical, and physical sciences, and their related technologies.
  • Nanotechnology Conferences: A listing of current and past conferences on the topic of nanotechnology can be found at this site.
  • ACS Meetings