Pediatric Imaging Majd-Gilday Young Investigator Award Recipients

2023Chenyang Han, PhD, "Reducing acquisition time in pediatric whole-body PET imaging with deep learning enhanced image reconstruction."

2022 - Vinicus Alves, MD, "Feasibility of Reduced Count Acquisition of Whole Body 18F-FDG PET in Children and Young Adults Imaged with a Digital PET Scanner"

2021 - Yu-Mo Zhao, "Clinical evaluation of block sequential regularized expectation maximization reconstruction algorithm in pediatric total-body 18F-FDG PET/CT"

2020 - Thomas Ng, MD, PhD - "Assessment of nonstandard cheese-based meals as viable alternatives to the standard adult meal for pediatric gastric emptying scintigraphy"

2019 - Yong-il Kim - "Diagnostic Value of Early F-18-FDOPA PET-CT for Initial Staging of Neuroblatoma: A comparison Study with Delay F-18-FDOPA PET-CT and I-123-MIBG Scintigraphy/SPECT-CT"

2018 - Jeffrey P. Schmall, PhD - "Investigating low-dose image quality in pediatric TOF-PET/MRI"

2017 - Jingjing Zhang, MD, PhD - "68Ga-NOTA-Aca-BBN (7-14) PET imaging of GRPR in children with optic pathway gliomas”

2016 - Hyung-Jun Im, MD, "Baseline Metabolic Tumor Volume Measured by FDG PET/CT Before Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Predicts Survival in Pediatric Osteosarcoma”

2015 - Kitiwat Khamwan, PhD "A pharmacokinetic model of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET imaging for infant patients"

2014 - Ajay Kumar, MD, PhD - “Basal Ganglia Inflammation in Children with Neuropsychiatric Symptoms

2013 - Srikala Narayanan, MB, BS - "Feasibility and Potential Clinical Applications of Co-Registered MR and 18F-FDG PET Fusion Imaging in Pediatric Oncology."

2011 - Yen-Lin Liu, MD - "Neuroblastic tumors (NTs) with high 18F-FDOPA avidity will show higher aromatic amino acid decarboxylase expression."

2010 - Marla Sammer, MD: - "Selection of optimal acquisition duration or injected activity for pediatric FDG-PET/CT."

2009 - Susan Sharp, MD - "Utility of SPECT/CT Imaging in Neuroblastoma."

2008 - Adam Alessio, PhD - "Initial experience with weight-based, low-dose pediatric PET/CT protocols."

2007 - James C. Warrington, MD, PhD - "The Utility and Properties of the Geometric Mean in the Assessment of Differential Renal Function in Pediatric Lasix Renography."