AC Resources and Presentations

ACGME Eligibility Requirements for Nuclear Medicine

SNMMI Virtual 2020 Mid-Winter Meeting

The following presentations were presented at the SNMMI Virtual 2020 Mid-Winter Meeting in January 2020

SNMMI 2016 Mid-Winter Meeting

The following presentations were presented at the SNMMI 2016 Mid-Winter Meeting in Orlando, FL in January 2016.

SNMMI 2015 Mid-Winter Meeting

The following presentations were presented at the SNMMI 2015 Mid-Winter Meeting in San Antonio, TX in January 2015.

SNMMI 2014 Mid-Winter Meeting

The following presentations were presented at the SNMMI 2014 Mid-Winter Meeting in Palm Springs, CA in February 2014.

SNMMI 2010 Mid-Winter Meeting

The following presentations were presented at the SNMMI 2010 Mid-Winter Meeting in Albquerque, NM in January 2010.

SNMMI 56th Annual Meeting

Navigating the ACGME Website - Presentation by Darlene Metter, MD, FACR, Chair of the Nuclear Medicine Program Directors at the SNMMI 56th Annual Meeting in Toronto in June 2009.

SNMMI 55th Annual Meeting

The 55th annual SNMMI meeting held in New Orleans was the venue for two presentations of interest to the NMPD.

During the Sunday June 15 NMPD meeting (11:30 am-12:30 pm), Darlene Metter MD, Chair of the NMPD, presented a session on the new program requirements which became effective 07/07 inclusive of the specialty specific and common program requirements. The latter being a new set of ACGME training requirements that span the education of all programs regardless of specialty.

A proposed Molecular Imaging (MI) curriculum was also presented by Michael Graham PhD MD as crafted by the Molecular Imaging Center of Excellence Educational Task Force. The results of the recent NMPD MI survey were also reviewed. A Curriculum Resource Compendium Preview was introduced. This latter resource in addition to the MI curriculum survey will soon be distributed for comment to the NMPD via the SNMMI community list serve. It will be crucial to obtain the NMPD?s opinion regarding these items. As a program director, your input will heavily weigh into the direction the RRC takes when revising the new program requirements which will likely include a molecular imaging curriculum.

Tuesday, June 17, provided a 90 minute forum on Preparing for a Site Visit. Darlene Metter MD, Chair of the NM Residency Review Committee (NMRRC) and Missy Fleming PhD, Executive Director of the NM RRC engaged the audience on the organization and function of the RRC, the program review process (including review of the new Program Information File or PIF), and what to expect before, during and after a site visit. A list of "9 Red Flags" regarding a site visit was also presented.

The power point presentations for these sessions are available on the ACGME website via the following link:

On that page, there is a section called "Program Resources" and within that section is an area called "Guidance Documents". Under that title, the three Nuclear Medicine PowerPoint presentations given by Dr. Darlene Metter and Dr. Missy Fleming have been posted. Their titles are:

The Who, the What, the How & Why
NMPD Presentation
Preparing for a Nuclear Medicine Site Visit

At the NMPD meeting there was interest in viewing the ACGME resident survey that is sent out each year for the residents to complete. The link for the blank survey is found at:

The ACGME website in addition to the Academic Council Website and the NMPD list serve will be the main vehicles through which the NMPD will stay connected throughout the year in the current issues facing us in Graduate Medical Education (GME).

If we, the NMPD, are to share resources and discussion look forward in working with all of you in the upcoming year.


Darlene Metter MD FACR
Chair, Nuclear Medicine RRC
Chair, Nuclear Medicine Program Directors