AAC Board of Directors

The officers of the council are the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. The term of office of the president shall be two years and he/she cannot succeed him/herself; the President ascends to this office after serving as Vice President. The term of office of the Vice President shall be two years, and he/she cannot succeed him/herself. The term of office of the Secretary/Treasurer shall be two years. The term of an officer shall commence with the conclusion of the annual business meeting of the council and terminate at the conclusion of the subsequent annual business meeting.;

The AAC Board of Directors is composed of the following: 6 elected non-officer board members, the officers of the council, the immediate past-president and at least one SNMMI Board of Directors member appointed by the society’s president. Half of the council’s non-officer board members will be elected each year, resulting in a mixture of first-year and second-year board members. Any council member elected to the SNMMI House of Delegates or serving on the SNMMI Board of Directors will be an “ex-officio” member of the board without vote. Individuals representing other councils, committees of the society, other organizations, or other societies may be nominated by their respective organizations to serve as liaisons to the council, providing the council board approves the nomination. All approved liaison representatives will be invited to attend board and council meetings but shall have no vote unless they are board members.

  • Norman E. Bolus, MSPH,CNMT,FSNMMI-TS (Council President)
  • Aaron T. Scott, DHA, CNMT, NMAA, FSNMMI-TS (Council Vice President)
  • Jon A. Baldwin, DO (Immediate Past President)
  • Scott Degenhardt, NMAA (Council Secretary)
  • Amy B. Brady, MAED, CNMT (Council Board of Directors)
  • Bennett S. Greenspan, MD,FACNM,FACR,FSNMMI (Council Board of Directors)
  • Monica C. Hart, CNMT,PET,NCT,NMTCB(C (Council Board of Directors)
  • Jon A. Baldwin, DO (Board Liaison)
  • Deborah Meyer Barrickman, FSNMMI-TS,MEd,CT,PET (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Judith E. Burke, CNMT (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Julie Eberting, MIS, NMAA (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Anne Ellis, CNMT, NMAA (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Krystle W. Glasgow, CNMT,NMTCB(CT),NMAA, (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Catalin Ioan Grigore, MIS, NMAA, CNMT (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Justin Jacob, NMAA (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Elizabeth H. Lasher, CNMT, NMAA, MIS (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Kasey Powell Nelson, NMAA, CNMT (Ex-Officio Member)
  • William B. Norton, MIS, RRA, RT(R), NMAA, CNMT (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Catherine Neal Sinotte (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Richard D. Siska, Sr., NMAA, MIS, FSNMMI-TS (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Todd Thompson (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Traci L. Wilkinson, MIS(NM),BS(RS),NMAA (Ex-Officio Member)