GCNMC Mid-Winter and Annual Meeting Education Sessions

2024 Mid-Winter Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Lung Scintigraphy in Current and Future Practice: Methods, Radiopharmaceuticals, and Applications

2024 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Nuclear lymphoscintigraphy in current practice
  • PET/CT for Infection and Inflammation - New Guidelines
  • Lunch Scintigraphy in the Current Era
  • GCNMC Lectureship - State-of-the-art Bone SPECT/CT: Current Applications and New Horizons

2023 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Molecular Imaging of inflammation and Infection: Today and Tomorrow
  • Gastrointestinal Transit Scintigraphy Overview
  • General Clinical Specialties Scientific Session
  • GCNMC Award Lectureship: Diuretic Renography: Current Status 2023 Plus a Whole New Web-based Platform to Compare your Interpretations with Those of an Expert System
  • Hepatobiliary Imaging

2022 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • A New Decade Molecular Hybrid Imaging in Orthopedics and Rheumatology: Focus on bone and infection/inflammation
  • COVID Session
  • Organ Transplant Scintigraphy
  • GCNMC Annual Award Lectureship

2021 Annual Meeting Meeting Educational Sessions - Virtual Edition

  • Infection Imaging Updates
  • GCNMC Lectureship Award Recipient Dr Phil Wells – Diagnosing and Managing Pulmonary Embolism – How Far have we come and How Far do we Need to Go?

2020 Mid-Winter Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Evidence-Based Nuclear Medicine in Theory and Practice
  • Molecular Imaging of Infection: Current Status, Future Directors & Barriers to Advancement Spondylodiscitis I
  • Molecular Imaging of Infection: Current Status, Future Directors & Barriers to Advancement Spondylodiscitis II

2020 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Complementary Roles of Nuclear Medicine and Radiologic Imaging in the Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Diseases
  • Molecular Imaging of Infection (Part I): Current Status, Future Directions, and Barriers to Advancement
  • Molecular Imaging of Infection (Part II): Spotlight on Spondylodiscitis
  • Evidence-Based Nuclear Medicine in Theory and Practice

2019 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Molecular and Genomic Theranostics in Thyroid Cancer
  • Evidence-Based Medicine and Its Impact on the Clinical Practice of Nuclear Medicine

2019 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Molecular Imaging of Inflammation and Infection: Today and Tomorrow
  • General Clinical Nuclear Medicine Council Award Lectureship: The Evolving Paradigm of Radioiodine Therapeutics for Thyroid Cancer
  • Molecular and Radiologic Imaging of Common and Uncommon Musculoskeletal Diseases Case-Based
  • V/Q Lung Imaging: Pulmonary Embolism and Beyond
  • Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis: Diagnosing and Monitoring Treatment with Imaging
  • Imaging and Therapy for Thyroid Cancer: The Theranostics Paradigm
  • The Nuclear Medicine Report: How to Get Paid with PAMA
  • Molecular and Genomic Theranostics in Thyroid Cancer
  • Evidence-Based Medicine and Its Impact on the Clinical Practice of Nuclear Medicine

2018 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Molecular Imaging of Inflammation and Infection: Focusing on the Future
  • GCNMC Award Lectureship Session: The Role of Nuclear Medicine in Osteoporosis - Past, Present, Future
  • Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy Practicum
  • Quality and Value in Fracture Risk Assessment (SAM)
  • Spondylodiscitis: Role of Imaging for Diagnosis and Monitoring Treatment Response
  • V/Q Scintigraphy: Clinical Challenges, AUC & Optimizing Planar Scintigraphy
  • Nuclear Medicine Management of Adult and Pediatric Hyperthyroidism

2017 Mid-Winter Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Current and Emerging Techniques in Molecular Imaging of Infection
  • Clinical Neuroimaging: Focus on DAT Imaging and Brain Death (co-sponsored with BIC and CaIC)
  • DXA for the 21st Century
  • Treatment Approaches in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (co-sponsor with Therapy CoE)

2017 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Update and Controversies in Radioiodine Theranostics
  • SPECT/CT: Clinical Applications and Quantification
  • SNMMI Appropriate Use Criteria Update
  • V/Q Scintigraphy: Clinical Challenges, AUC & Optimizing Planar Scintigraph
  • Myths in Radioiodine Theranostics of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
  • Lung Scanning Part II - Tomographic Imaging (V/Q SPECT, SPECT/CT, CTPA & PET) including Radiation Dosimetry and non-PE Applications
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scintigraphy: Changing the Paradigm
  • Update on Clinical Radionuclide Nephrourology
  • Radioiodine Therapy for Hyperthyroidism: The State of the Art
  • Spondylodiscitis: Role of Imaging for Diagnosis and Monitoring Treatment Response

2016 Mid-Winter Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Appropriate Use Criteria: Working groups on V/Q scans, Hepatobiliary Imaging, PET/CT for re-stating and Bone Scintigraphy
  • Sialoadenitis after Thyroid Cancer Therapy
  • Radioactive Iodine and Graves’ Eye Disease
  • SPECT/CT and Lymphoscintigraphy (co-sponsored with the CaIC)

2016 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Radionuclide Imaging of Inflammation and Infection: State of the Art and New Developments
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scintigraphy: Changing the Paradigm
  • Hepatobiliary Imaging and Acute Abdominal Pain
  • Theranostics in Thyroid Cancer: The Impact of Tracer Imaging on Therapy
  • Bone SPECT/CT Imaging on Orthopaedics
  • Optimization of Radioiodine Therapy for Hyperthyroidism and Goiter Reduction and Sialadenitis after Radioiodine Therapy: Incidence, Prevention, Imaging and Intervention

2015 Mid-Winter Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Altered Biodistribution + Unusual adult + pediatric cases (in collaboration with PIC)
  • Pulmonary VQ Challenges

2015 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Imaging of Infection and Inflammation: Current and Future Directions (categorical),
    (in collaboration with CMIIT)
  • Under-appreciated physiologic and pathologic aspects of NM
  • SPECT/CT in Thyroid and Parathyroid Disease
  • Back to Basics: optimal pt preparation, pharmacologic interventions and interactions
  • Imaging for Pulmonary Embolism: A Current Status Report
  • GI Bleeding: Changing the Paradigm
  • Children are not small adults: Update of selected Adult and pediatric NM
    (in collaboration with PIC)

2014 Mid-Winter Meeting Educational Sessions

  • MIBG Diagnosis and Treatment

2014 Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

  • Radionuclide Imaging of Inflammation and Infection: State of the Art and Future Directions (categorical)
  • Hepatobiliary Imaging 2014 – Scintigraphy and Anatomic Imaging
  • Altered Biodistribution and Incidental Findings in Radionuclide Imaging
  • Imaging for Pulmonary Embolism: A Current Status Report
  • SPECT/CT in Thyroid and Parathyroid Disease
  • Scintigraphic Evaluation of the Alimentary System—Beginning, Middle and End