CIC Walter Wolf Young Investigator Award


The SNMMI Correlative Imaging Council established the Walter Wolf Young Investigator Award in 2006 in honor of Walter Wolf, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chair of the Biomedical Imaging Science Initiative at the University of Southern California. Dr. Wolf, who is also a Past President of the Correlative Imaging Council, has been a leader in the field of pharmacokinetic imaging and drug development. This award recognizes a young investigator for originality, scientific methodology, and overall contribution to Molecular Imaging or Therapy through original research showing the importance and value of correlative imaging in all fields of medicine. The award recipient (presenting author) will receive a certificate + monetary prize. 

NOTE: This is a freestanding award, and thus is not part of an awards symposium. There will be a single award winner for the best correlative imaging abstract, as evaluated by qualified SNMMI committee members across categories. The award will be presented at the Correlative Imaging Council Business Meeting during the SNMMI Annual Meeting, and will be recognized by the Moderator of the scientific session for which it was accepted. 

To be considered for the Walter Wolf Award:

  • Investigators must submit to the Physician/Scientist/Pharmacist program. This award is not track- or category-specific. Abstracts submitted to any track/category within the Physician/Scientist/Pharmacist program are eligible for consideration.
  • Investigators must choose “Oral or Poster” as the designated presentation type. “Poster Only” submissions, as well as abstracts accepted as posters, will not be considered.
  • Investigators are encouraged to submit supporting data to allow better evaluation of their work by SNMMI peer review teams. Supporting data may include 1 table, and/or 1 image, and/or a set of references. Supporting data is neither publishable nor reproducible, and is used solely for the purpose of conducting abstract reviews by a qualified team of experts in the field.
  • Investigators must be a pharmacist, physician, scientist, technologist, or allied health professional in-training, and less than 10 years in practice.
  • Investigators may be considered for multiple awards, but only one award will be given per investigator. The lead investigator (Presenting Author/Award Recipient) must be designated at the time of abstract submission.

IMPORTANT: The winner of this award must be able to provide a power point presentation of his/her abstract to the Correlative Imaging Council board members at the SNMMI Annual meeting.

Past Recipients

2023 - Kelly Trinh, MD
“What is the added value of concurrent diagnostic CT for PSMA PET/CT imaging assessment of prostate cancer?”

2022 - Wanqi Chen

2021 - Mohammad Naghavi-Behzad, MD, MPH
“Response monitoring in metastatic breast cancer: a comparison of survival times between FDG-PET/CT and CE-CT”

2020 - Abhishek Jha, MBBS

2019 - Jeremie Calais, MD

2018 - Sungwook Jung, PhD

2017 - Raiyan Tripti Zaman, PhD

2016 - Yong-il Kim
“Prognostic Value of Pre-treatment Ga-68-RGD PET-CT in Predicting Disease Free Survival in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Comparison Study with Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI.”

2015 - Chrystalla Loutsios
"SPECT/CT to quantify eosinophil migration into the lungs"

2014 - Jean-François Montégiani
Personalized 177 Lu-octreotate PPRT: cycle-to-cycle renal radiation dose prediction using quantitative SPECT/CT dosimetry

2013 - Matthias Eiber, MD, PhD
“Initial experience in restaging of patients with recurrent prostate cancer: Comparison of 11C-Choline-PET/MR and 11C-Choline-PET/CT”

2012 - Hai Jeon Yoon, MD
"Predicting histologic biomarker expression in breast cancer with 68Ga-RGD PET/CT versus diffusion-weighted and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI"

2011 - Masahiro Yanagawa, MD, PhD
"Comparison of PET Response Criteria in Solid Tumors (PERCIST) and Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) in neoadjuvant chemotherapy for esophageal cancer"

2010 - Andrew Quon, MD
“Correlation between MRI and NaF PET/CT in patients with patellofemoral knee pain”

2009 - Patrick Veit-Haibach, MD
“Impact of F18-DOPA PET/CT on therapeutic management in patients neuroendocrine tumors”

2008 - Donna J. Cross, PhD
“Olfactory tract dysintegrity and cortical metabolic change in aging and MCI.”

2007 - Jan Soyka, MD
"Staging Pathways in Recurrent Colorectal Carcinoma. Is Contrast-enhanced 18-FDG-PET-CT the Diagnostic Tool of Choice?"