Past Recipients ERF BIC Young Investigator Award Winners


First Place: Vincent Doyon; First PET Investigation of the Human Brain at 2 µL Resolution with the Ultra-High-Resolution (UHR) scanner

Second Place: Mai Hatano: Characterization of four major psychiatric disorders based on AMPA receptor distributions measured with [11C]K-2: a novel PET tracer study

 Third Place: Meijuan Jiang: Evaluation of Five Candidate Radioligands for PET Imaging of Phosphodiesterase-4D in Monkey Brain



Second Place: Matthew Zammit: Neurofibrillary tau emerges in adults with Down syndrome during the earliest stages of Aβ accumulation.

Third Place: Ganna Blazhenets, M. Sc.: Altered regional cerebral function and its association with cognitive impairment in COVID 19: A prospective FDG PET study



3rd place: Katherine L. Lucot, PhD: "Visualizing innate immune activation in a mouse model of Parkinson's Disease using a highly specific TREM1-PET tracer"

2nd place: Matthew Zammit, MS: "Regional associations between amyloid and glucose metabolism during the progression of Alzheimer's disease in Down Syndrome"

1st place: Merle C. Hoenig, PhD: "Resistance to Tau and Amyloid Pathology Facilitates Super-Aging"



1st place: Matthias Brendel: "F-PI2620 Tau-PET in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy- A multi-center evaluation"

2nd place: Songye Li: "First in human Evaluation of F-SDM-8, A novel Radiotracer for PET Imaging of Synaptic Vesicle Glocoprotein 2A"

3rd place: Corinne Beinat: "Evaluation of 18F-DASA-23 for non-invasive measurement of aberrantly expressed pyruvate kinase M2 in glioblastoma: preclinical and first human studies"



1st Place: Stefanie M. Willekens, PhD - "Regional FDG decreases in healthy ageing are associated with white matter integrity changes: a simultaneous PET-MR study"

2nd Place: Thomas Haywood, PhD - "A Novel Positron Emission Tomography Reporter Gene/Reporter Probe for the Central Nervous System"

3rd Place: Yihuan Lu, PhD- "Partial volume correction for PET synaptic density imaging with 11C-UCB-J"



1st Place: Jenny Ceccarini - "Recovery of decreased metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 availability in abstinent alcohol-dependent subjects."

2nd Place: Hui Liu - "Optimization of S1P1-specific PET radioligands for imaging neuroinflammation."

3rd Place: Cristina E. Popescu- "A18F-FDG PET brain in presurgical management of patients with periventricular nodular heterotopias related epilepsy: diagnostic features and long term outcome."



1st Place - Leonardo Iaccarino- "Evaluation of the associations between [11C]PIB and [18F]AV1451 PET retention and MRI atrophy in Alzheimer’s Disease."


2nd Place - Patrick Worhunsky - "Concurrently upregulated and downregulated D2/D3 receptor systems in cocaine use disorder using [11C]PHNO."

3rd Place: Marcus Unterrainer- "Value of 18F-FET PET for chemotherapy monitoring in non-contrast enhancing gliomas."


1st Place - Matthias Brendel - "Glucose Metabolism and Glial Activation in a Transgenic AD Mouse Model: A Triple Tracer PET Study"

2nd Place - Flavia Niccolini - "Loss of phosphodiesterase 10A signalling is associated with progression and severity in patients with Parkinson’s disease"

3rd Place - Mandy Drabe - "Serotonin transporter (SERT) gene methylation is associated with in vivo SERT availability and body-mass-index (BMI) in obese subjects"



1st Place – David Owen - "Determination of [11C]PBR28 binding potential in vivo: A first human TSPO occupancy study"


2nd Place – Peter Werner - "Feasibility of combined [15O]H2O-PET/MRI in patients with acute stroke"

3rd Place – Jussi Hirvonen - "Decreased cannabinoid CB1 receptor binding in tobacco smokers examined with positron emission tomography"


1st Place – Rik Ossenkoppele
- "Increased parietal amyloid burden and metabolic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease with early onset"

2nd Place – Ansel Hillmer - "Quantitative analysis of [18F]nifene kinetics in the nonhuman primate"

3rd Place – Axel Rominger - "Longitudinal assessment of cerebral amyloid-β deposition in APP-Swe mice with [18F]florbetaben PET"


1st Place – Stefan Förster
- "Regional expansion of hypometabolism and amyloid deposition in AD and their relation to functional connectivity networks in healthy controls"

2nd Place – Jussi Hirvonen - "Reversible and regionally selective downregulation of brain cannabinoid CB1 receptors in chronic daily cannabis smokers"

3rd Place – Jenna Sullivan - "Bolus vs. bolus/infusion of the mGluR5 tracer [18F]FPEB in humans"


1st Place – Sjoerd Finnema
- Confirmation of fenfluramine effect on 5-HT1B binding of [11C]AZ10419369 using an equilibrium approach.

2nd Place – Marc Normandin - Test-retest reproducibility and gender differences in binding of CB1 PET tracer [11C]OMAR in humans.

3rd Place – Vikas Kotagal - REM sleep behavior disorder is associated with cortical cholinergic deficit in Parkinson’s disease without dementia.


1st Place – Karine Madsen -
#16 Age and gender affect 5-HT4 receptor binding: A brain PET study in healthy volunteers with [11C]SB207145

2nd Place - Jonas Hannestad - #14 Duration and Degree of Norepinephrine Transporter Occupancy by Oral Methylphenidate with (S,S)-[11C]MRB in Healthy Subjects

3rd Place – Jitka Sojkova - #19 Longitudinal patterns of amyloid deposition in nondemented elderly