PIDSC Tracy Lynn Faber Memorial Award


The Tracy Lynn Faber Memorial Award is given each year to support advancement of women in medical imaging sciences. The Award is given either to an individual (woman or man) who has promoted significantly advancement of women in medical imaging sciences, or to a woman in early- or mid-career who has made one or more significant contributions to medical imaging sciences. Most often the award will be given to a woman in the second category; as it is hoped that recognition of a significant contribution or contributions of such an awardee will advance meaningfully the career of the awardee.

Most women in the second category are academic faculty with PhDs, MDs, or both who are assistant or associate professors pursuing careers in medical imaging sciences or pursuing careers that impact positively medical imaging sciences. Others in the second category are women outside academia who are at career stages similar to the academic stages just referenced and are women who are pursuing careers in medical imaging sciences or careers that impact positively medical imaging sciences. Others in the second category are women who are postdoctoral fellows who have made exceptional contributions to or who have had exceptionally positive impacts on medical imaging sciences.

Individuals in the first category are mostly mid-career to senior. They are individuals who have throughout their careers encouraged, promoted, and/or supported advancement of women in medical imaging sciences or who have encouraged, promoted, and/or supported advancement of women in disciplines that impact directly and positively medical imaging sciences. Women and men are eligible in this category. Both academics and non-academics are eligible in this category.

The award carries with it an honorarium of at least $1,500 and a plaque. The winner will be presented the award during the PIDSC business meeting at the SNMMI Annual Meeting.

Past Recipients

  • 2024 - Elena Maria Zannoni, PhD
  • 2023 - Qiu Huang, PhD
  • 2022 - Emilie Roncali, PhD
  • 2021 - Shiva Abbaszadh, PhD
  • 2020 - Fanny Orlhac, PhD
  • 2019 - Jing Tang, PhD
  • 2018 - Greta S. P. Mok, PhD
  • 2017 - Sepideh Shokouhi, PhD
  • 2016 - Joyita Dutta, PhD
  • 2013 - Viola Vaccarin, PhD