RPSC Board of Directors

The officers of the Council are the President, Vice President, Vice President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of office of the President will be one year and he/she cannot succeed him/herself; the President ascends to this office after serving as Vice President.  The term of office of the Vice President will be one year and he/she cannot succeed him/herself; the Vice President ascends to this office after serving as Vice President-Elect. The term of Vice President-Elect is for one year and he/she is elected to this office by the membership of the Council.  The term of office of the Secretary will be two years. The term of office of the Treasurer will be two years. The first year of the Treasurer’s term shall coincide with the second year of the Secretary’s term. The term of an officer will commence with the conclusion of the annual Business Meeting of the Council and terminate at the conclusion of the subsequent annual Business Meeting.

The Council Board of Directors is composed of the following:  Four elected non-officer Board members, the Officers of the Council, and the Immediate Past-President, and at least one (1) SNMMI Board of Directors member appointed by the Society’s President to serve on the Council’s BOD. Half of the Council’s non-officer Board members will be elected each year resulting in a mixture of first-year and second-year Board members. The term of office of an elected non-officer Board member will be two years.  Half of Board members will be elected annually.


RPSC Board of Directors

  • Svetlana V. Selivanova, PhD (Council President)
  • Kai Chen, PhD (Council Vice President)
  • Adam Rosenberg, PhD (Council Vice President-Elect)
  • Robert Flavell, MD, PhD (Council Secretary)
  • Serge K. Lyashchenko, PharmD (Council Treasurer)
  • Naga Vara Kishore Pillarsetty, PhD (Council Immediate Past President)
  • Ivis F. Chaple Gore, PhD (Council Board of Directors)
  • Marianna Dakanali, PhD (Council Board of Directors)
  • Brian Hockley (Council Board of Directors)
  • Bernadette V. Marquez-Nostra, PhD (Council Board of Directors)
  • Cathy Sue Cutler, PhD, FSNMMI (Board Liaison)
  • Anjong Florence Tikum, PhD (Intern)