Pediatric Imaging Majd-Gilday Young Investigator Award

The PIC Majd-Gilday YIA award was developed to recognize 2 pioneers in the pediatric imaging field who have made enormous scientific contributions to our subspecialty of pediatric nuclear medicine: Dr. Massoud Majd and Dr. David Gilday. The award will be given to young scientists for outstanding research contributions to the field of pediatric nuclear medicine.

The 2024 Majd-Gilday Young Investigator Award Winner is Chenyang Han, "Deep learning-based CT-free attenuation and scatter correction for pediatric whole-body PET imaging"

Chenyang Han, PhD

Award Application Process

The junior applicant must indicate his/her desire to be considered for an award for “best oral scientific presentation” when submitting an abstract for the annual SNMMI meeting.   Young Investigator Award categories stating that all applicants must be within five years of completing a residency training program or a PhD program (five years from the YI presentation date). Prior first place winners are not eligible to apply again. The award will be given annually or variable frequency depending upon merit. (The award may not be given in any particular year at the discretion of the Awards Committee)

Award Amount

The winner will receive $ 500.00 and a certificate.

Selection Process

The winner will be selected by the PIC Awards Committee that is chaired by the immediate Past President of the Pediatric Imaging Council, members will be 4 past PIC presidents. Use of a scoring system, and based on the most impressive abstract for oral presentation.