CMIIT 2019 Young Investigator Awards

2019 CMIIT Young Investigators Awards   

The Young Investigator Awards (YIA) recognize the best abstracts presented during the CMIIT Young Investigators Session at the SNMMI Annual Meeting. Young Investigators are defined as individuals within five years of completing a residency training program or a PhD program (five years from the YIA presentation date).  The 2018 winners are:

  • 1st Place ($500) – Lei Kang

“Noninvasive visualization of the differential expression of CD146 in breast cancer”


  • 2nd Place ($300) – Emily Ehlerding

“Imaging CTLA-4+ T-cells in humanized mouse models”


  • 3rd Place ($200) – Dalong NI

“Polyoxometalate Clusters as Multi-antioxidants to Ameliorate Acute Kidney Injury in Mice”