Amyloid PET Imaging Reimbursement Webinars

Amyloid PET imaging Reimbursement Webinar
Thursday, March 07, 2024, 3:00pm - 4:00pm (EDT)
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Julia Bellinger, Director of Health Policy and Regulatory Affairs, SNMMI

Denise Merlino, CPC, MBA, CNMT, Merlino Healthcare & RE Consulting

Monique Nolan, MD, JD, Counsel, Arnold & Porter

Amanda Cassidy, MPP, Senior Health Policy Advisor, Arnold & Porter


Course Summary

This 60-minute webinar will focus on reimbursement issues related to CMS’ removal of the “coverage with evidence development” (CED) requirement and the “national coverage determination” (NCD). Learn from reimbursement experts how the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) are currently covering amyloid PET imaging and get your questions answered.

CE Information
No CE will be offered for this webinar.

3/7/2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time

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